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The Work Mood

The Work Mood creates tools (starting with discreetly designed journals) that guide and emotionally support professionals at every point in their career journey. We believe that current journals/books/apps/you name it out on the market don’t focus enough the emotional aspects and implications of work and working. We hope to change that with The Work Mood. Our flagship product, The Emotional Workbook, is a journal-workbook hybrid that helps you to unpack, analyze, and address all of the emotions and stressors of work. It’s a tool we’ve developed to guide you through the emotional turmoil when you’ve been feeling *some type of way* about work. We also work with organizations of all types (educational institutions, non-profits, and corporations, etc.) to bring work-focused tools such as The Emotional Workbook for emotional support and stress management to their employees.

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The Work Mood

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